Feedback on Desert Area

Hey everyone! A few days ago I made my very first map, you can find that post [here] anyways, I wanted to add on to it and make a desert area next to it like a simulator game would be! Please let me know what you think of it and please give me feedback on what I can improve on!(Give me feedback on my first map!)

Please let me know what you think and let me know what I can improve on! I would love to know!


all looks good except the pyramid. it looks bad like rlly bad you might need to improve it drastically aka add textures and make it blocky not smooth.

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The area around the pyramid looks a bit empty, I recommend spacing out the trees/rocks in order for it to not look copy/pasted around the pyramid. The pyramid itself looks fine, just needs some sort of texturing added to it. :+1:

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The entire thing looks to clean, as if someone purposely hand placed the decorations (like rocks and trees) in neat piles like an asset library, I suggest adding some “randomness”