Feedback on First Build/Model

Hey all! This is one of my first build/model here on Roblox. I am pretty new to Developing, and I want some feedback on how I am doing so far!

I appreciate the comments and criticism!


Overall looks good, with a fair selection of well-placed objects.

  • Some mushrooms look like they’re floating.
  • Sunrays are too strong.
  • Try adding some flowers or other shrubs.

That’s good for a first build!


It looks detailed. I’d say that those kinds of builds and models are very overrated.
I love the mushroom addition you added.

Agreed, thank you for the feedback!

Yeah, my friend actually told me to go with that type of build for my first run. It was easy to do as well.

this is your first actual build? or your first realism build?
Could use some more trees, possibly some wildflowers as well, either way, looks great.

Yeah, this is like one of my first real build essentially. I wanted to see how I was doing so far, and what I can improve on. Thank you so much for the feedback, I will note what you said.

is this located on a hill? everything being slanted is throwing me off, aha

Yes, it is. I tried to make it on a hill. Also, sorry for the confusion.

what is the overall theme you are trying to accomplish?

it looks beautiful! i love how you blend the part made nature with terrain! the only thing i could say needs work it to make the place more alive.

Thank you! I recently made another post on another build I did if you want to check it out! Thank you so much for the feedback! Always appreciated.

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It looks very good for your first building. However, the mushrooms look as if they are floating. I would improve that a little bit.

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Sounds good, thank you so much!