Feedback on first UGC Concept

:wave:t4: Hello everyone! I’m a beginner 3D modeler. I made this UGC Concept with Blender 2.9. Please note that I have never modeled before. If you have any feedback please reply below all feedback is appreciated and it helps me out a lot.

:heart: Thanks!


bit bland but still, pretty good for your first ugc concept


Looks great for your first one!
I don’t really have and thing I would change, looks amazing. I would 100% buy it in support!


Looks great for a first attempt. I’d suggest trying to design something else though since so many people have made beanies already.

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It looks amazing, maybe even make different versions with different colours. Great start considering you’re new to modelling!

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This is great for your first UGC concept. It is bland, but that is actually and honestly ok. I would buy this. I end up personally buying more bland items from the UGC catalog because I’m not a fan of all the hyper colorful kid stuff. This is a simple beanie, but a good one and done right. This will sell.

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It looks great for your first one, I love the detail.


@0CROWNED Didn’t think I would see you here!