Feedback on GUI

Hey. I am making a hotel for a group I co own (on my alt) and was making a menu GUI. Please give feedback/ suggestions!

(Main menu)

(Update Log)

It looks good but you could make some text font or make the backround transparent a bit or maybe roundify it. Other than that good stuff :smiley:

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Looks pretty good, however you could add some more things to the background to make it stand out more, rather than just having a plain background. You could also tone down the background a little as it seems a little too bright.


I just roundified buttons and frames.

Boo! :ghost:
Here is a website to help with your color schemes. Going with just red and white will not cut it.
The text here is too squished against the borders. I suggest making the boxes bigger or making the text smaller.

Update logs should have some form of updates. This could be an update or fixing some parts could be an update. It should never be blank though.
There is nothing special with the credits. To be honest, it looks kind of boring.
Make your own pattern for the background or use one from Google (with credits). As stated earlier, red is a bright color for a background. Also, red text is an automatic no for me. I absolutely hate it when someone presents someone with red text. Red isn’t a color that the human eyes are used to. I would suggest using a dark gray or black for your text colors.
Other then these ‘issues’, it looks fantastic! Keep up with the great work.
Everything stated in this post is based merely upon my opinion and first looks. You should not feel disheartened or feel the need to change everything I have stated. Please do note, this is just feedback. I may seem harsh, but that is not my intentions. The best designers go through the worst feedback to get to where they are today.
FallinqSnowFlake :upside_down_face:

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Thanks for the feedback! That website has a lot of info on colors. (Probably gonna use a complementary color scheme.)

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It’s decent to be honest, I think you should make the main 3 GUIs a bit bigger, and the titles a lot bigger so it stands out, or atleast a different colour. I would try to be more creative with the background, since just a plain red background isn’t great, you could add shading, or even a little logo next to the main title. The Update Log text is really near to the red background and doesn’t look every good, so make the Update Log text a bit smaller, everything else is pretty good.
Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 16.00.39

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It looks like all the other Simulators maybe put more time into them?

It could be improved. Just for preference a dark mode (making white a dark grey and making the text white) would be cool.

Also making your “X” and the background and text color all the same color isn’t a good idea. It just throws everything “off.”