For a showcase, I’m working on an organized lobby for the different places, and I wanted feedback on the finished build.
That looks awesome! Keep up the great work!
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That looks very cool, good job.
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Woaah, That is amazing! i think your game will be so popular!
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That lobby is pretty cool and what game you are doing with this lobby?
That looks really nice! But here is a suggestion, give the statue a more dynamic pose instead of standing there like a zombie with a sword. Move his legs a little, most humans don’t stand straight. Raise his arms up, just give him some more personality. Otherwise, the lobby looks great! Keep up the amazing work!
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I’m trying to compile all of the games I never completed into a showcase.
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cool lobby i have always wanted to build on roblox but i suck i really like your build but i think the trees are too much
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