Feedback on lobby

Hello, I am 12904, currently representing Orbit studios founded by myself and @lSteveRogersl.

Our current game is going for a eerie and horror theme and we just finished our lobby. We both agreed to post it to try to get feedback and see what we can do to increase the effect and quality of it.



Future Horror-themed Game. - Roblox

Any feedback is appreciated, thank you for your time!


Amazing concept so far, love the simplicity but a little detail couldn’t hurt. I suggest adding some rusty objects throughout the lobby, you could add like rotten plants for nature and a nice looking lamp for light that’s dimmed, or you could add some broken furniture. I hope this helps, good luck and have a good one! :grin:

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Alright, I appreciate it, will definitely try some of it.

Looks, really good things i would suggest to add!!

  1. On the right corner on the table. You should add another lamp light on it!!

  2. I would also suggest, you add like some broken. Pieces on the ground like @Aerayne

  3. I will also! add some more details on the out side. Like maybe some junk on the floor newspapers, flash light, and maybe some wood on the road…!

But for know keep this up. I hope to see the final lobby very soon.

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I’m guessing this is a spooky theme? A streetlight to two maybe?

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Definitely will, appreciate the feedback!

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Thanks for your feedback, just finished a small update with some street lights

Hey there, I just spent a good time walking around your lobby yet I will only be focusing on the negatives but bear in mind everything I don’t mention you can assume is a positive.

I do have questions since I am unsure what game your making, we can say for sure it is horror & eerie but what are the rules to win and what is the games mechanics. Everything I have mentioned relies deeply to that information because a lobby should connect the game play in some way but for that reason I want to put this out there: everything I stated could be meaningless or incorrect. That is why I have made a somewhat number of contradicting statement so I can cover more ground level of what could be seen as useful to you.

Lightning Style:
However, my assumption is that the game will be a Horror which I can understand why you have chosen the lightning and building style although for me as a player the atmosphere is too dense. Evidence can be found through these three images:


The two images I have just posted is the buildings opposite to each other however, at first while exploring your lobby I have almost missed the room which displays the current players and top players because they both looked identically. While I did not see the lightning from the candle either through the window until I just stopped and remained in position to spot any hidden detail because of how dark it is. While I do blame the lightning, the layout is something that will need be amended although I will speak more of that later on.

Moving onto my next evidence that helped me come to my conclusion of the area being too dense is that the wooden material blends in with the brick part which is something else that can be fixed by removing, changing the colour scheme or adapting to a new lightning style.

Alternatively which I have to apologies in advance as I do not know the exact terminology I am looking for yet you may not require changing the lightning at all if the player has some form of light source on them which by going closer to objects gets brighter. Although I am not referring to the fog that is currently installed because even so for a lobby it is just difficult to venture around.

Lobbies History:
This is something I consistently question whenever I test games or when I look at buildings because often not they are filled with information regarding the wealth of state, population, skills and craftsmanship, time of creation. They are all factors that need to be considered when making a lobby while this does tie closely with the layout but I do dissect these sections closely before anything. The reason why I made this a main point is simply because of certain structures that make no sense. Such as the road and streetlights. These is no accessible way for transportation like cars, carriages, horses to get to this environment but while I may look to closely in-depth in this. If by going for a horror and eerie, it is something a player can immediately recognize and feel comfort too but its that unfamiliar environment and unanswered physics is what fuels eeriness and horror or at least for real life. I would remove the roads and make them all pathways but add a texture to make the overall environment less bland and I will provide an example of what the pathway could look like. Moving having streetlights are okay but the one designed is not very old which is why i would suggest making a medieval streetlight.

Pictures of medieval streetlight


Pictures of pathway/footpaths

Rearrange the layout:
Last but not least important is the layout which I believe could do with some changes. If you would like a road in your lobby still, you could build a two/three story building and/or, a castle wall with a large wooden gate-door. Also, for 12 players I would say the lobby is too small and the rectangular layout is very simplistic and basic but I do not think it will work for this type of game since generally speaking you will need to find ways to keep players in-game once they lost and waiting for the game to be finished. You could either remove the lobby entirely and have just spectators which for some games it has worked like Stalker but keeping the lobby will need a purpose. So far it is to see whose still alive and who’re the top players but some newcomers will care mostly about the experience.

I cannot quite put this to words but to do my best, I suggest drawing on a piece of papers a layout which could be like a long alley way with accessible shops/black markets to get hats, upgrades, particle effects, etc. Just take in consideration what you want in the lobby, the amount of players accessing it, and giving a layout that adds both eeriness and fun to the game.

That is my entire feedback which I admit took a lot longer than expected but I hope you use this information for the benefit of your development.

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Alright, will definitely take all of these suggestions into consideration. I appreciate your time.