Feedback on lobby

Can i have some feedback on this lobby?

It looks great! I really like how it looks. However, there are some things to take note of:

  • This building is completely empty. Consider adding something, perhaps some firetrucks?

  • While this building isn’t as empty as the other building, it really feels black & white unlike the rest of the lobby. Give it some more color!

Minor details

  • You can collide with the leaves of the trees. While this is a really minor detail, it would just look weird seeing someone standing on leaves.
  • There’s a random pipe in one of the alleyways.
  • There’s a double sided stop sign. That makes no sense, as the drivers going onto the “main” road would also have to stop, aswell as the intended side.
  • There’s a small section of the Fire station’s outside wall that dosen’t have the grey “base”. It is located near the entrance.

Side notes

  • After a while I wasn’t able to shoot with my RPG.
  • The health bar is stuck at 85/100 hp.

Overall, it looks good! Keep it up. :wink:

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Map while buildings were nice. Maybe put some stuff inside the buildings and add some landscaping such as trees etc.

The lobby seems alright, but there are some tweaks and edits that you should probably add in.

Spawning Point
We’re a bit confused down here about your spawning point. It appears fine during the round. However, it disappears during intermission, and I can’t figure out a reason why you’d need to do that? Also, the look of the spawning point doesn’t seem to match the look of the city.

Map Area

  1. There are wide spaces and gaps around this lobby, which can make it unappealing to players, as it can look basic & bland in areas. Additionally, the map current on a simple baseplate.

    Clearly, there’s lots of areas which you could add onto it. My suggestion would be to add some more buildings in these areas, and have some geographical features, like hills, in the lobby, to take up all the space. I’d also suggest adding a border around the map, to make it look more pleasing!
  2. The city area does look great from the inside. The buildings do look detailed on the outside, and the lights and trees are in a good position. My advice here would be to probably hide the dummy character at the center.

    However, there are some consistency issues that you should fix. On the red building for example, you have the brick design on one side, but completely smooth on the other:
    Additionally, the inside of the buildings are very hollow, without much in them. It’d be great to throw in some small things in there, such as an animated NPC, or some store items!

Other Things

  1. You seem to have a pipeway standing right-side up, which is quite odd. Additionally, there seems to be a crack decal further into the building below, but upon being close to it, seems to be drawn on, rather than an actual crack.
  2. Many assets also are on the out on the open of the map that don’t seem to belong there.

Hopefully, you can take this advice, & make the lobby better with this!

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The lobby it’s pretty good! But it’s empty in some places like this one:

The lobby looks quite good, like all the different details you added to the lobby itself. However there seems to be a lot of empty buildings. Where you could add some details, to here is a couple of things to add to your lobby to look more decent!!

Fire Station
The station looks empty, as all ready been said above add some fire trucks, vehicles to fill it up a bit more. and add the pole that you come down from! as well for the front add a door, garage to look more better and you. Should add the bricks in the back on the station, as by looking at it it’s just a plain wall! as seen below i’ll fix that a bit more as well you. Could add some details to the roof part as it looks a little plain!!

When you spawn into the intermission part the map. Looks a little small i would recommend you make it a bit more bigger, and add different. Details to it to look more decent. As when the next map starts the trees only change you could add different! maps to it and add different details to each of them such as rocks, flowers, bushes, houses, ect… If your going for a cartoony game!!


As i said above, some of your buildings look quite empty you should make the pipe connected to the wall piece as by looking at it! it looks of the wall part you could maybe add some more, wood, bricks, tools, on the ground part i’m. Assuming that is a work shop!!

There seems to be different kind of parts all through the map. You should remove those are add different buildings, to fill up the map. Like add different style of trees, rocks, and add buildings to the road part so it could connect to others. And in the back of the buildings there seems to be more space, to make the building more wider! and you should add some details in the back of those area to fill it up a bit. More as it seems to be a little empty…



There seems to be other different assets, parts all over the map they. Should be part of some of the building that are in the lobby part. I would recommend you remove those or connect them to the lobby builds to look more better! it seems it’s not suppose there, as you can see images above!!

Thank you for all the feedback! This is not a fully developed lobby so their isn’t much detail. I appreciate it! I will be updating it as soon as I can.

It looks really good, I have a couple suggestions though,

  • For starters, your trees are the same, you can try to differentiate the colors a bit, or making some bigger and some smaller.

  • Following up, you could add some details in the building, like the fire station, a fireman NPC, and a pole coming from the roof, and maybe a firetruck.

  • Lastly to add some more detail to the game, you can add some rocks and such to bring out the full potential of detail.

Other than that, you’ve done a good job, well done! :smiley:

I think personally that the sidewalk street lights flashing at the same time, and flashing at all for that matter, gives an extremely realistic feel to the lobby.

it’s pretty good but a bit bland, maybe add some trees and a barrier around the map.

The buildings are pretty good but empty
I’d give it a 5.2/10 so far