Feedback on Logo I made

Hello I made a cactus simulator logo and I would like some feedback please, thank you.

The cactus is kinda blurry so I am trying to fix that

Here is another picture but the cactus sharpness is different, which one is better, the first picture or the second? thanks


The first one looks better mostly because its zoomed in more. The other one is kinda blank on the sides.
Edit: Also it looks better with the cactus kinda blurry.


Looks alright, although I feel the spiny font is a bit unnecessary, especially on the subtext. The gray space between letters also feels a bit empty, and you could consider curving the text if possible to add some more flair.

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Nice simulator logo you’ve made. I really love the simple yet detailed art style. And the color scheme is perfect.

One thing that bugs me is the overuse of the same cactus picture, you can try adding different types of cactuses to make it more appealing.

Other than that, everything else seems fine. :smiley:

Edit: Here are some examples of different types of cactuses you can use.


1st one.
It is more zoomed in, the font is nicer, and overall looks more clean.

@Auto_matics made a good post.

Also: “05/03/2021” hasn’t happened yet :joy:.


Thank you for the examples @Auto_matics