Feedback on map creation for my upcoming simulator game

Here are my Map Creation for my upcoming simulator game!

Any Feedbacks? pls be honest so i can fix any problems for my Map


Take this as constructive criticism. Thank you.

1.) The color theme is just too bright.the grass could have a texture or a little bit darker colour.

2.)The Areas look just empty. For e.g the 1st plains thingy could have plants,trees,bushes,rocks etc. But i see that you are leaving space for something else but try to fill it up as much as you can.

3.) The Reward / Chest thingy is just looking too bland. Im not talking about the chest itself, the walls around it. If you want to block the player for entering if they enter then i think it would be more imersive you could do something like this :-

Take the Block thingy and make it transparent. Next take highlights and parent it to the Part. Select your desired settings and store them as a variable.

local Highlight = theBlockThingy.Highlight
local TweenSettings = 
{["FillTransparency"] = 0.5 -- this is a example just change it to whatever u like
,["OutlineTransparency"] = 0.7}

local TweenService = game.TweenService

local Tween = TweenService:Create(theBlockThingy,,--you can set this to your desire but here the main part is the reverse param.this has to be set to true. And set repeat to false and lastly the delay time. Set it to 3 or whatever you like.),TweenSettings)

if p.Parent.Humanoid then

4.)Fill the rest maps.

5.) Could improve on the GUI for Coin thingy

Where do i Put the script you provided?

By the way this are the maps now

In the Thing that blocks player from the chest

Now thts better(charssssssssssss)

You mean the V.I.P Area? or the Original Chest?

Yes. This is just my thoughts as tht thing just doesnt seem right also i made a mistake in script. Just delete the comments i have put in and do this

local Highlight ="Highlight",theBlockThingy)
Highlight.FillTransparency = 0
Highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
local TweenSettings = 
{["FillTransparency"] = 0.5 -- this is a example just change it to whatever u like
,["OutlineTransparency"] = 0.7}

local TweenService = game.TweenService

local Tween = TweenService:Create(theBlockThingy,,--you can set this to your desire but here the main part is the reverse param.this has to be set to true. And set repeat to false and lastly the delay time. Set it to 3 or whatever you like.

if p.Parent.Humanoid then

where do i put it? like in a Local Script or a Script in ServerScriptService

Normal script should do also i made another mistake where i didnt add debounce.

Also one last thing before i go. Parent the script to that part which prevents players from accesing the chest.

local Debounce = false
local theBlockThingy = script.Parent
local Highlight ="Highlight",theBlockThingy)
Highlight.FillTransparency = 0
Highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
local TweenSettings = 
{["FillTransparency"] = 0.5 -- this is a example just change it to whatever u like
,["OutlineTransparency"] = 0.7}

local TweenService = game.TweenService

local Tween = TweenService:Create(theBlockThingy,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,true,1

if p.Parent.Humanoid and not Debounce then
Debounce = true
Debounce = false

ok so i put a script inside the Part?

Yes and if it doesnt works or errors then im sorry its my bedtime here so yeah.

Thank you for taking your time helping me!

Its my pleasure : ) (charrsssss)

Now just playtest and try touching the part and tell me what happens

Ok thank you so much for the help