Feedback on my animations

Hey everyone, this is my first time posting anything on devforum. Anyways i made a gun animation recently and was wondering if you guys think there is anything bad with it


damn bro that looks good! really good job!

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It’s great! But maybe the recoil is a bit too much?

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logiclly ak47 recoil is pretty high

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Yeah kind of true, thanks for telling me

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Very fluid reloading animations. I’m a fan!

I feel like there should be smoother resistance when the holder’s arms recover from the recoil. I also think the gun/arms should move around a little more during the idle (pivot point on shoulder and it’s fun from there).

I moved the arms a little for the idle animation, do you think this is better?


its sooooooooooooo smooooooooooth

So much better & slick as butter. I see no way it could be further improved now, 10/10.

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