Feedback on my building style!

Hello everyone, QueuedUsername here! I’ve started work on my new project. In terms of building the game, I want to use some modern building practices but still capture that Classic-Roblox aesthetic. What do you guys think?

Note: I’ve only started around two days ago so, apologies if its a bit bare and ignore the spawn part, it’s just a placeholder.


I feel like the studs don’t really fit in, but that’s probably just me :stuck_out_tongue:
Nice build, I’d like to see more later! :slight_smile:


Seems like a new age of low poly I like the plain look you could make a game such as eg or natural disaster

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Yes, it looks same like the Eg style

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Absolutely brilliant! However, I do feel like the studs are overused. It might just be me though.

Perhaps make the surface of the trees smooth? Not everything in old ROBLOX has to be all studs and inlets. :brick:

Overall, this was a fantastic build! Keep up the good work. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Agreed! Did feel like I over-used the studs a bit too much, glad to hear some promising feedback, thank you everyone! :cowboy_hat_face:


Have you ever played tales from the valley? It gives me that feel

I actually really like it - maybe remake the classic roblox house but with modern building techniques