Feedback on my cafe game

Hello! I am requesting some feedback on my cafe game.

This is the first “actual” game that I have made. I built all of it, excluding the water, brewing system, and trees. And my friend and I both did some scripting with it.



The thumbnail is awesome! I love it!
I like this type of game… Chill game.
Hope you will continue your project!
By the way the npc in the lobby aka. Kanoxie and BaronFive should be anchored because people can punch the npc. Well I like that game!

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Outstanding game. I honestly have nothing to say. Keep up the good work!

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Hey! The game looks very pretty!

I felt that the lighting was a little too bright inside the building, but overall I think you guys did a great job!

Also, it’s a bit hard to read the descriptions you have in front of your NPC’s outside the building and as mentioned above, make sure they’re all anchored :slight_smile:

I wasn’t able to get any drinks or anything so i’m not sure if you guys have gotten that far yet, but keep us posted! I look forward to seeing your progress! Great job!


The building and music really god together nicely.
The brewing system and eating i feel could use a little work. Maybe try adding animations while there making or eating things. Possibly sound effects.
Overal super good :smiley:

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I like the GFX, but the build in my opinion is terrible. It’s very dual, and blocky. I also don’t see a theme other than blotched colors. There isn’t any architecture, and the window pains without trim look tacky. I think that the build could use a lot of work, but overall the running process, music, and scripting runs smoothly and I like that.

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@Pocket_Goddess Yea, only baristas and MR/HRs can get in the drinks area. Sorry about that.
@greybirks Thank you for that info, I’ll definitely try to improve on building.


It’s Nice Overall, I will give some Feedback though.

  • Both the Size and the Colors of the Descriptions for the People Who worked on the game are hard to read.

  • I would say if you wanted a Cafe, possibly have only one kitchen rather than two.

  • It’s kinda small for a Cafe I feel like.

  • The Colors of the Building don’t really go together and the Roof piece in the back looks weird compared to the rest of the Building and doesn’t match a specific agenda and ongoing style.

Other than that, great job on it! I’d just like to see Improvisation to it, as it’s needed!

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Personally, I don’t like the build at all. It seems too plain and boring, it doesn’t have much detail either. I think you’d need to improve a LOT more on the build. However, I like the music. Also, I recommend not using free models. I personally hate games that use free models. Good luck on your future builds, apologies if I offended you in anyway.

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