Feedback on my first build

Greetings! My name is Dron and I just became Developer Forum member! Please write your feedback about my first building, I made it about 2 years ago. I will read all replies!!


Unfortunately, I can’t see the Picture due to the way you formatted it, as it leads to saving the Screen shot on your computer instead of just posting it on the DevForum right here. I’m not currently looking to download a picture to my computer just to see.

Sorry for that, i just fixed it.

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Hello there,

I’m really glad to see you’re already so creative! It looks great for a beginner!

I still think it’s quite standard but it’s a start there is a lot to learn!

Good luck further.


Sys. (Aka. Tim)

It looks nice in my opinion. The only thing I’d like to point out is Possibly changing the Yellow Window Material to something other than neon, it’s very bright specifically when paired with yellow.

Looks really good for your first build, but i don’t really like the neon windows.

Thanks for the feedback guys! Soon I am going to make build like this one but improved.

Yeah, I would agree with @teambowie the yellow windows are too bright, so maybe dial it back down a bit, but other than that it’s really good

Its okay for a starter.

Good Luck!

Try some Plugins.

Make the Color darker of the Neon Window Lights.

Give the window a frame and a windowsill.

2years ago?
I think the rooftop looks uneven and you could add windowframes + doors.
You should upload more recent builds :slight_smile:

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Not much feedback can be said but if i where to suggest anything it’ll be add variation into the buildings so it doesn’t look identical or similar to the existing buildings maybe have some with different shapes window formation and details on the roof.

Firstly, the build itself appears to end repetitive. As well as this, adding things like vents, exit doors, wires - pipes would make it much more lively.

I’d add this to a city area with lighting tweaking the (ambient and brightness) to make it more realistic in a kind of way: ect, natural colours. I would also add different buildings not all tall buildings are close and cluttered together.

It’s a good start do you mind showing your recent?

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Thank you for the feedback, yes I am going to show my recent builds soon.

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Reminds me a ton of the pet simulator map. Very nice and simple. Very good for a first time building.