Feedback on my first game [2]

So, this is my second feedback topic with the same game, I know maybe the previous topic was also my feedback game obby, but this time I want to see feedback from you guys again, before I actually publish and advertise my game

because I’m afraid when I publish the game and promote it directly, I’m afraid if someone doesn’t like it, and gives a lot of dislikes to the game

This is my game, if you have any feedback or suggestions, please reply below:[ALPHA] Obby Conveyor - Roblox

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I’d rate the game as a 7.9/10

It’s pretty good; game has a simple idea that I can get behind, clean GUI, nice color palette, overall a decent game.

Of course, people aren’t the same. Some people aren’t into playing obby games, but some people are! Just because somebody doesn’t like your game, doesn’t mean everybody will dislike it too.

I actually do. If you want this to be a successful game, you gotta add some spice to it. Add moving objects, instead of static parts. You have to add some speciality to it, because if you don’t, how is it different to every other single obby game?

Thanks for the suggestion!

I will add it! but maybe I will add moving objects in the next stage, because I will add a new place

Of Course! I’m so confused about what special things to add…

Once Again, Thanks for Suggestion!

A fun idea would be a massive roundabout circle thing with like moving death parts.

I see! I’ll add it in the next update. Thanks for Suggestion!

A question I have for you is, have you even beat the obby yourself at least once?

Is it actually possible to beat the game?

I already beat my game 3 times