Feedback on my first UGC/mesh attempt

How is my first attempt? I tried to make a tophat but I couldn’t do the UV Mapping. Thanks for the feedback!
Screenshot by Lightshot (flat shaded)
Screenshot by Lightshot (smooth shaded)

Oli :upside_down_face:


It looks good so far. It could use a texture though.


How, I’m new to Blender!


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I believe there is a texture painting tool in blender itself that you can use. I don’t know, I build using CSG.

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What is CSG? Is this better than Blender?

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Yes this could use some texture but this is overall amazing!

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Looks great! The design of the model is really nice to give the object more of a natural feel try coloring it or adding a texture to resemblance a top hat as it’s untextured and bland at the start:

One thing I would suggest - since your new to modeling, is to try learning how to color your blender mesh. The smooth shaded hat has a more unique design however it really depends on what type of approach your normally looking for. If you still want to continue making models try to learn how to color your model so you could import them inside studio with it’s colors or textures still attached to the model, at the start there isn’t much feedback that can be given.

Other than that, first model creation looks good!

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It looks great, even as your first attempt.

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May You Please Send A Picture And Not A Link Much Appreciated.

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It looks sort of off-center, and the top hat band should be taller. The top hat should also come outwards, like a reverse tree trunk.

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it’s a nice start but i recommend having the top + bottom parts of the top hat to be flat shaded but the sides to be smooth so it doesnt look strange shading wise.

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CSG is not better than blender. It’s easier and has premade textures. It’s the Roblox Studio official building system.

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Looks great for a first attempt. What you can do to make it better is smoothing out a little bit. Also what did you use to make this

Blender, 3D software.


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