Feedback on my game Whackables!

I worked on this game over a couple of days to see what I could do :smiley:. You may have seen my last post on the map, so I added some of the suggestions! here is the game link: Whackables! - Roblox

Could you give me feedback please!


I like the game style and the concept, youā€™re heading for but I feel like much more could be added into the game to make it even better. In other words, the game isnā€™t ready for a full release yet. Here is my list of things that can help improve in the mean time:

  • Music

Adding music will automatically give life to the game, currently there isnā€™t much sound design which I highly recommend considering.

  • Tools

Iā€™d suggest adding using sound effects for the bats whenever you swing and change its name from ā€œToolā€ to ā€œBatā€. If you want you can even go as far as making a tool image if you really want to get fancy with it. Iā€™d also suggest to make some sort of UI design to the game where thereā€™s a shop for more weapons and even some power ups.

  • First impression

When I first loaded in, I didnā€™t really know what the game was about or what to do from there because the instructions were unclear which is critical since first impression is everything!!

  • Round system

Itā€™d be nice if there was more than 1 map so there can be a system where the game changes it to the next one after about 5 minutes.

These are really my suggestions for now, I like the game so far and can see future potential. Just needs more to it as itā€™s not ready for a full release yet.


Thanks for the feedback, and spending the time to type it out! Ill rename the ā€˜Toolā€™, to ā€˜Batā€™, and ill try to add background music. I was thinking about a round system, ill try it out! :grinning: There will be a shop and ill try to add ui, if I can. But the shop will be where one of the grey parts of the map was. :+1:

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I liked game overall. I liked how you used the default baseplate texture for the parts around. But there are some things missing,

First, I think you should add some music, it would make it feel more entertaining.

Second, I think you could add some UI. Maybe add the 1.5x speed to a shop in the gui.

Lastly, I feel like there should be more weapons or tools.

Overall, itā€™s a good game. :+1:

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The game overally is pretty alright, the lighting is good enough, however as everyone already mentioned there is a lack of gameplay. How are you supposed to play the game when there is no players active? Iā€™d suggest adding you some bots. Besides that you need to add some more equipement because a bat is not enough to impress the player. Last, you need to add some background music. Your game feelsā€¦ empty if there is no sounds.

So basically, itā€™s a great game, however it needs some things changed.

Cheers! :wave:

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