Feedback on my Guess That Song Game | [MUSICMAC]

Hello, I would like honest feedback on my first game I ever created, Musicmac.

Right now, it’s only in testing phase, we still have a lot of bugs going on in the game since it’s not completely finished, also if you do decide to hop in the game, you need 2 players to start the game and the only category that is able to play right now is currently Anime music. (Trying to add 100+ songs in each category, anime is the only one with over that limit.)


Honestly, pretty decent haven’t really seen a game like this. But, the game to me just seems bland try adding some sort of challenges? (Other than that really cool!)

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By challenges, what do you suggest? In the future when I get better at scripting, I wanna try adding in game modes. We are currently trying to get our leaderboard functioning right now, but I haven’t really considered anything about challenges.