Hello there dear Robloxians, I was building a roblox homestore for my clothing group and finished the map some days ago (I will be adding more clothing but thats not the reason for my post) so I wanted to ask if you guys could give me any feedback on my map. Thank you!
I like the game, and how it’s built with a low poly vibe.
Only thing I would recommend is:
Wall Dècor and Floor Dècor(Indoor & Outdoor.), It seems all kinda plain.
I recommend adding some more furniture, a hangout/break place, some more clothing stalls, Paintings, etc.
Few things that could really help your homestore out:
Like many others have pointed out, it needs more detail. Otherwise, it’ll seem very boring.
The front sign (Golden Homestore), seems a bit unattractive. In addition, you shouldn’t use neon for your signs because either they’ll make the eye uncomfortable, or it’ll just seem unclear. I don’t know if it’s just me, but the front sign’s font doesn’t really match the map at all. Try experimenting with different fonts.
Good job with the islands, but it’s just a piece of land on water with a few trees. Please put in more detail. Huts could do for the islands.
The roof is just a glass part. That’s it. It’s plain and it seems very unattractive. You should change the material to something that’s not glass (yes, I do know you want to make this cool but this just won’t work out for your homestore) and have some brown smooth plastic parts below the roof, with some lighting. If you do that, you’re roof will look a gajillion times better than it would be.
Same thing for the floor: It’s too boring. You could add textures or some detail. Just a simple part won’t work out.
The exterior of the homestore is alright, but definitely needs improvement. Have some details; don’t have glass for walls. What I’m saying here is that you shouldn’t use glass as a material for a wall. Please use glass for windows only.
This homestore could really use some more detail and improvement, because it just looks too plain. Try going to other homestores and gain some inspiration from them. If you’re new to building, then I suggest you look at the Developer page of Roblox (not the DevForums) for some tips on building, like precision building.
What you did that gave me a good impression was the low-poly terrain. It’s very good. The position of the islands is perfect; the fog there gives it an aesthetic feeling.
Judging from the screenshots I can see that your going for a kinda low poly design, which is good however costumers may get bored of its environment. I have a few ideas that may make it a little more detailed but it looks great so far!
Add some objects like say a garden or fountain, these can help spice up the place
Maybe add some grass? Though that may ruin the low poly vibe.
Maybe add some lighting like say a lamp or light up sign, these may keep users from thinking your game is bland or boring.
Those are my suggestions, I wish the best of luck to you and your homestore!
Looks simple and clean. 3 people worked on this? I feel thats 2 too many for something on this scale. I’m glad to see a male homestore for once as most homestores forget about mens clothing or overlook it largely. I suggest adding a roof and making the homestore taller and adding more clothing. Good job