Feedback on my latest game (UI)

Hello Developers!

As some of you may already know I have been working on a game called New Landers. Recently I added a menu screen to choose game modes and such. I have come to notice that my Ui skills are terrible though and I would like some feedback on what I could change.

Please note that I am not done yet and the white rectangle is an upcoming game mode that I do not have a picture for yet.


I added a gradient and made the image rounded as well as adding a title which tells which mode you are looking at. Anything else I should change?

I think the images should fill the entire grey sections, maybe add some gradients too?

Otherwise looks pretty good


There are quite a few things that can be improved.

  • It doesn’t look so centered
  • It’s not big enough (since this is mode selection, you want it to cover a majority of the screen)
  • The single and multi player buttons are too small and too far from the menu.
  • Make rounded corners for the images for the modes (like the 20v20 image)
  • Add a title at the top of the menu that says something like “Mode Selection” so players know what it is
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Got it thank you. How do you center guis?

Make it’s AnchorPoint .5, .5 then set it’s position to {.5, 0, .5, 0} to center it to the screen.