Feedback on RNG game

The title says it all, I’m working on an RNG game and I’d like feedback, primarily on the rolling system on how to make it more visually appealing, I think the rolling part itself could be a little better, and the displaying of what you got could be better as well. The buttons look okay but I will 100% change them if anybody has a better idea for them visually.

I only have the rolling, some rarities, luck multiplier, and auto-mode done so if it looks a bit barebones that’s why. Planning on adding a lot more and putting my own twist on the RNG style of game, but I really wanna perfect the main gameplay aspect and make sure it looks very good.

If you’d like to see anything added or whatnot, just add that in as well because I’m always open to suggestions.


Also, I forgot to add, unless the rarity name is very original and fits, please do not suggest them.

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It’s a very simple concept but it’s nontheless well made, I like it!
I only have a few suggestions, although you can still do without any of them:

  1. Since it’s the main thing players will interact with, you could make the “Roll” button a bit bigger and more vibrant of a color than the “Auto” one (alongside any other button you may add later on);
  2. In the video you said that you boosted your luck for the showcase, if you plan to add that as a feature maybe you could add an indicator that shows your current luck multiplier in a similar fashion to the “Auto” button;
  3. Add some gradients or other effects for the highest rarities to make them feel more satisfying to get.

Of course, it goes without saying that you should add a lobby or something else for the players to do in game, but I think you’ve already thought about that.

Great work!

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Thank you for the feedback! Also I’ve been wondering, the borders on the UI don’t look as good as they should, so should I change them? This’ll be a lot more noticeable when I make more UI such as the aura storage or shop.

I don’t think people would mind that much, but circular edges usually look better. It’s up to you.