Feedback on shirt and gfx

So um 2-3 years ago I had a group with 200 members (different acc) I always made new shirts every week for the group, and we just kept growing, then my motivation died down and just started doing GFX. Now I just want feedback on this shirt I made (Didn’t copy). Should I go back to designing clothes? or gfx?
Clothe Design:

GFX Design:

I cropped some parts cuz they were not needed(sorry).

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wouldn’t really be considered a gfx, more of just a drawing. it’s pretty good but rigid and has no depth or dimension, but i like the style

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Thanks for the amazing feedback! Have a good day/night!

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I would go back to making shirts each week or 2 each week if you can get the members back and start growing again, besides that keep it up; looks good!

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It’s a pretty cringey group name, but thanks for the feedback!!! Group: Don’t judge me :sweat_smile:, I was 10 yrs old when I made that group. Now I pretty much abandoned it ;-;

personally, i like your drawing more than your shirt. keep it up!! very cool!!

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Thanks for the feedback! Have a good day/night!