Feedback on Showcase! (The Forest)

Hello There! I just created a Showcase, and I would love feedback. I will take any sort of criticism.


Its Cool! did you make all the models? if so Awesome! but I also thought it was a bit bland, maybe put a house somewhere?

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There is this cube of terrain in the river that looks kind of weird.

Also, It would be nice if you put a cave that the water comes out of?

It just kind of comes out of nowhere.


This is hardly a “showcase” if all you did was drag and drop other peoples’ models.


oh, well I take back everything I said.

It was roblox’s models. The Clovers and a few others were made by me. You still have to do Lighting + Put everything together correctly

And you still have to do terrain work, and place everything in the percise position.

I know, but you should have stated that because everybody recognizes the assets from the technology showcase.

Well no crap. It’s obvious the assets are from the Technology Showcase

Yes, but you should have mentioned that.


Some of us are unaware of these showcases/assets…

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You should have given credit. assuming everyone will know where you got the models from is a weak excuse.

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Roblox litteraly made the assets. Royalty free

Yeah, it’s legal to use it in your game, but it is common courtesy to credit.

to credit the creator of the platform? Thats like crediting roblox on a game on roblox

No, credit the creator of the asset.

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What exactly does not crediting the creator of the model do for you though? You should definitely credit the creator of the asset no matter who makes it.

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Very jittery and wonky looking. Its good to start slow and start with some simpler thing before you get into advanced stuff.

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Hmm, how do I explain this? Let’s say I make something entirely new out of legos for a competition. Then you also make something for the competition, but it’s just preexisting lego sets jumbled together. Do you see the difference?