Feedback on these builds

Hello community!!

I was talking with my friend who’s helping me develop this game based on SCP genre, he keeps telling himself he sucks as a builder and to prove him wrong I’d like him to hear from the best builders out there what you guys think of his building skills. I’ve told him many times, he might not be the best builder but I surely acknowledge that he has skill for it.

I’ll leave it up to you, thank you all!

I’ll attach some pictures of his builds.

Just to clarify, it’s our game I do contribute for some parts of the builds


Oh yeah it’s my time to shine. Just kidding I actually suck

This persons building skills are very nice! The only issue is choosing colors. The color choices they are going for don’t match up nicely.


Very nice, but posting for other people isn’t allowed on the Dev Forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Gotta say, I do love the lighting and style of this. However, I would say that there is something off with the positions of some parts and the colour palette. Apart from those minor issues, those builds are great.

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Well it’s still our game, I just wanted opinions on the builds

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You did not tell us first of. You were just asking for feedback regarding your friends buildings. Please clarify that next time. :slightly_smiling_face: Have a great day!

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Sorry about that, it was my mistake not clarifying it, have a nice day too.

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The doors with windows should have windowframes. Other than that, the builds look good!

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Truly amazing. I am not great at building, but this looks like it’s going to be successful! Keep going and maybe you’ll be the biggest SCP game!

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Maybe you can add texture, and make it darker. so the future lighting would look better! looks very nice, keep up the good work!

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Good builds! I would 100% recommend some texture usage but always tone down the transparency for it to mix in with the material to bring out some more realism.

Here’s some of my work to show you:
For example, this has a texture on top of a material with a toned down transparency so it doesn’t fully overide the material of the part.

Overall some good build’s little changes could be made here and there but good going!

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Great tip, I didn’t even know about that one, guess we learn something new every day. It looks really nice, thank you a lot

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