Feedback on this cafe and how I should price it

I have this cafe I built a while ago. It is currently just the building, but I will make some furnishings, the spawn area on the water etc. How should I price it roughly?

Materials, colors etc are not final. Again, I’ll finish it up so there are minor furnishings, a nice spawn area and outdoor area. What should this be? I built it a while ago, but now I want to sell it.


I like it. Though I would say 100 robux if I were to buy it. (Just because I could make it myself).

Though I think you can max the price at 300.

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It looks like this could be a homestore, or a modern home, or a beach resort. It looks pretty nice. I would roughly price this around 200 - 300 robux or less at the state it is currently in. Once you update it so it’s about finished, I could give some real feedback.

I think those are really unreasonable prices, due to the work put in (once I complete it), I’m thinking 3-5K Robux once it is done.

Well, I guess that’s your opinion. I only priced it the state that it is currently in, therefore, I do not think it is unreasonable.

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I think this has a reasonable price of 100 - 300 as there are no extra details on the map and it does not require skill.


Alright fair points. Not my finest work, I made this over 7 months ago.

What are you adding to the build?

I’d sell that for about 300-500 robux. It’s not very detailed, so I wouldn’t imagine purchasing it for anything in the thousands, unfortunately.


50-200 robux as it isn’t very detailed and it can be done quite easily in studio by some players. It looks good though!

I like the structure of this, but it looks really plain and the color schemes don’t seem to match up very well!

There isn’t much detail on the map so it probably wouldn’t price very well (I may be wrong, don’t quote me on this!)

Maybe try adding some more grass/land & other nature life (trees, bushes, plants, flowers, etc,.) to the game to give it more detail.
Try using either softer or more bold colors for the building itself to stand out more.

The stairs need a lot more detail, they’re very bland and lackluster!

Try changing the material on some of the places inside the build as well, it looks very repetitive throughout and doesn’t appeal very well.

Keep up the good work though, I can’t wait to see what else you add to this!

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Currently, it looks empty and lacks a bit of detail. It’s hard to put a price tag on it right now but if you add more details, decorations, and terrain it could sell for more. For right now it is probably worth 100-200R$. If you keep continuing it, I can picture it being worth 3K+. Good job!

I’d say anywhere from 350 to 500 robux as there isn’t any detail. (That’s the pricing I think would be best for the current state or the build, without any details.)
Thing’s you could add to raise the price:
• Vegetation such as: bushes, flowers, etc.
• Fountain
• Benches
• Rugs
• Tables w/ chairs
And many more.

Your build could possibly be a homestore, beach resort, cafe, etc.

I believe you’ve misquoted me, aside from that I’d like to point out how the present product isn’t worth 1k, even 100 would be a generous amount considering how simplistic and bland the exterior architecture is ATM.

All I see is a rushed build that’ll discourage clients from even taking the offer into consideration. Personally I believe @xJxck_yy familiarize himself with the basics before offering his services yet that isn’t my call so take what I say with a grain of salt.

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Thank you everyone. My building skills have improved a ton, I built this a long time ago. I’ll be making big changes and refurbishments, then I’ll ask ya’ll about it. Thanks everyone

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Apologies for the confusion there.
I do have to agree that the present state of the build isn’t quite worth 1000 robux.
Yes, 100 robux would be a seriously generous amount.