Feedback on this icon for a valkyrie

So this is the icon:

The icon is going to be used for an valkyrie model.

I am not going to sell the model for robux. It’s going to be free for anyone to use.


Dude it looks ok, like its a bit plain. I love the colors tho!



I’m kind of confused about what you mean by “valkyrie model”, I can’t really find how you would use that icon :thinking:

Really nice so far! I like the texturing! I recommend adding more colors, to attract the human eye! Really nice! Keep the hard work going!

Thanks, Fusion

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Example: Red Sparkle Time Valkyrie - Roblox

Ohh ok, i think the texture will strech out if you use a square texture on a valkyre mesh.

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Hey! I think that’s a cool and simple design for a Valkyrie (not everything needs to be intricate and complicated). However, I do think it would help if you showed us the icon on the hat itself? It’ll be easier to receive feedback then.

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I will after I get enough feedback, I will even include the model for anyone to use.

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The valkyrie is finally out! Model link: Orange-ish Valkyrie - Roblox