Feedback on this UI and Tweening


I am asking for feedback for this UI that I made today, it took me about a hour to make.

These are the buttons:
This is the open/close tweening:

Some things I would like answered are:

How does this look?
How can It be better?

I would appreciate as much feedback as I can get. Thanks!


I like it!

Two suggestions I might have would be to add some sort of header text above the line you have at the top of your UI, maybe something that says like “Shop”

And another suggestion, maybe if you were to add a rounded backing for each item in the shop, that might also add more depth.

Looks good though, simple and clean design. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it!

I like the simple design!

• You could maybe make it pop in and out while the mouse is hovering over the tools.
• Shop header as the gentleman above stated.

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Very,Very, Great! It Is Very Smooth!


One thing that is annoying me is that the tweening is not vertical, it’s a bit sideways, I only noticed on the way up didn’t notice on the way down.

Besides that, looks good. Maybe add some animations when you click the items instead of just changing instantly.


The tweening seems a bit strange, you might want to tween the Y axis but not the X axis.