[Feedback] Thoughts on this Honda S2000?

Hi, I have made this car, the first version was this white one:

After some time, changed some small things, 70% were some meshing fixes.
I want to improve this car, the actual version is this dark grey one:

I request some feedback, feel free to say anything, I’m open for suggestions and criticisms.

Thanks for reading!! :+1:


They are both really good! I like the gray one a bit more. A prob I see with most cars are that the lights are not super realistic, but your headlights are really good. Maybe your tail lights could use some more detail. Really good tho :slight_smile:

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Hey @rafael66636,

You did some pretty good work in your car, in my opinion, I liked the white one better, but the grey one looks pretty good too! :grinning:

  • You did a good job on the tires.
  • That’s not something about the car, but I like the lighting you used, looks very realistic! :ok_hand:
  • Maybe, as a little detail, you can add a license plate.
  • You can make the seat with a slight red in it. :seat:
  • You don’t need to do this, but it will look slightly better if you add a convertible roof.

That’s it, I like your Honda, it looks like it is a real one! :hammer_and_wrench: :oncoming_automobile:

Good job! :ok_hand:


Great job! It looks really nice. In my opinion, the first version looks the nicest though

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I love the detailing you put in the wheels that most people usually miss or choose not to add. Overall, I feel that it’s a very detailed and aesthetically pleasing car.

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Woah is this ROBLOX ? That’s crazy keep it up