FIB3 issues with flickering lights

Flickering light issue:

While replacing some of the former lightings within a build I noticed that there started to be a few issues with some of them starting to flicker. I’ve tried changing the lighting type in order to solve this issue, and it was fine under different lighting presets.

Is this because of an excessive amount of lights, or is there an underlying issue?

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I have this issue too. It seems to be quite common recently, and to my knowledge there are other posts about this.

Yeah I searched a bit deeper and found a few with the same issue as well. Apparently there was a graphics update recently and it messed with it? Not sure

I’m also experiencing this issue, hopefully they will fix this soon.

@DevRelationsTeam Will there be a fix to this?


@DevRelationsTeam please :pensive:

This is 100% because of excessive lights, having multiple lightsources close to each other, or just in general causes this to happen.

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that also happens to me when I have too many lights in a single place, remove some