Finding which player has most votes

  1. I have a voting system where i store each players vote amounts in NumberValues. And i need a way to find which Value is the highest out of the table.


Its my first time using tables so still a bit unsure how to use them, i cant seem to ONLY get the name of the player with most votes.

I have searched around and did alot of troubleshooting, at the end of my script you can try print(KillTable[1]) or 2 but it only returns nil.

	local KillTable = {}
	local Players = game:GetService("Players") 

	for i,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local plrTicker = repStore.VoteValues:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)
		table.insert(KillTable, plrTicker.Value, plrTicker.Name) 

	table.sort(KillTable, function(a, b) 
		if a > b then
			return a



table.insert(KillTable, plrTicker.Value, plrTicker.Name)


KillTable[plrTicker.Name] = plrTicker.Value

Well, it sorted the players correctly, but i still dont get just the most voted player

local KillTable = {}
	local Players = game:GetService("Players") 

	for i,Player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local plrTicker = repStore.VoteValues:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)
		KillTable[plrTicker.Name] = plrTicker.Value

	table.sort(KillTable, function(a, b) 
		if a > b then
			return a


When you print killTable[1] it will be the highest.

i get nil when i do that
character limit broski

Do this aswell

	table.sort(KillTable, function(a, b) 
		return a > b

still only returns nil for some reason?

Just chipping in here, really awful solution probably but it’ll get you the winner. It’s because the indexes resemble the votes (so if 9 was the lowest, the index would be 9 etc)

local earliestIndexNum = 0

	earliestIndexNum += 1
until KillTable[earliestIndexNum] ~= nil

local winner = KillTable[earliestIndexNum]

Add this below your sort. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Hope you didn’t run this, I may have forgotten to add wait()…

Ehhh this is a really sketchy fix but yeah kinda works

Doesnt print any name tho brotha

Another thing you could do to make this better is iterate through the array in order, then populate a new array so the indexes are correct.

What prints out? Could I take a look at the output console please? :slight_smile:

nothing at all gets printed, not even nil


Alright I figured out why your original implementation didn’t work and what you can do to fix it. Your old table.insert implementation meant that you were making the vote count the ‘index/position’ in this case, which is the incorrect way to do it.

The way around it is, make your table.insert something like this, that contains the player name and vote count of that player within it like so:

	table.insert(KillTable, {
		PlayerName = plrTicker.Name,
		VoteCount = plrTicker.Value

Then when you do your table.sort, instead of comparing a > b directly, you’ll now need to do a.VoteCount and b.VoteCount in this example, because a and b are basically the objects in the array itself.

table.sort(KillTable, function(a, b) 
	return a.VoteCount > b.VoteCount

At the bottom, you should now just be able to do:

print("Player with most votes (" .. KillTable[1].VoteCount .. "): " .. KillTable[1].PlayerName .. "!")
KillTable[plrTicker.Name] = plrTicker.Value

Would make the table a dictionary, you can’t sort a dictionary.

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Yessir that did it, i appreciate the help! Helped me understand tables alot better too