FireAllClient or use remote function

So I’m having a hard time understanding what’s the most efficient way of getting the global time. My current idea is just using the FireAllClient, but I have a feeling that this might cause some server lag since it’s connected to a RunService.Heartbeat:

function GlobalTime:Start()
	local CurrentTime = os.clock()

	local function FireGlobalTime()
		if CurrentTime ~= os.clock then
			CurrentTime = os.clock()

			self:FireAllClients(GLOBAL_TIME_EVENT, CurrentTime)


My second idea is getting the global time on the client side with the use of remote function; still connected to a RunService.Hearbeat:

-- Client Side
function GlobalTime:Start()
	local function GetGlobalTime()


-- Server Side
function GlobalTime.Client:Get()
	return os.clock()

Or are they just the same? Or is there an alternative way of getting the global time not the player’s current time, since os is based on the player’s operating system.

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You can fire a RemoteFunction from the client to server asking for the time and the server will return the time, you can have a 1 second delay between each fire, this wont affect the game lag since it’s done on the client.

So would this be better other than the FireAllClients()

Yes it indeed is, handeling these things in the client wont add any lag to the server so the game should work perfectly fine.

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I forgot that DateTime exist I could just use this to get the UTC/GMT or Player’s local time which is what I want:

function GlobalTime:Start()
	local function RealDayNightCycle()
		local Now =
		local LocalTime = Now:ToLocalTime()

		Lighting:SetMinutesAfterMidnight(LocalTime.Hour * 60 + LocalTime.Minute + (LocalTime.Second / 60))
