First attempt at a proper game

I threw this semi- realistic cart game together in about 2 weeks. Have a go.

For some reason NewFissy is collidable in game but not in studio. I have no idea why.

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To be frank, if the collision bug is affecting gameplay, I’m not sure I would open the game until it is fixed.

As for other feedback, it’s fine as a first attempt at a game, but I would hope to see more in a cart ride game besides what you’re being “eaten” by.

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There are many games like this but ok lol. Imagine if NewFissy sees this…

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I wanna see his reaction too, it would be hilarious

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At this point I don’t even know what to say about these games anymore. There are so many of these games full of just people trying to get to the end. Not that it’s bad, it is just amazing seeing that people spend hours trying to complete these things. lol

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Yep. There’s a reason why I made a cart ride game after all…

I want to start with similar things, then make ot advanced with stuff like cosmetics and yknow.

Yeah, I completely agree!

Character limit

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