First ever blender model attempt

My first model on Blender

I want to know if you guys like the design Give me feedback on it


For a first model, this is very good! You can clearly see the structure there.

As improvements, I would recommend using a reference image for designs like these so you can have a better idea of the structure.
A website I use is this as it provides multiple views of a piece of furniture, although you can use other sites and even standard images on Google.
I use my second monitor to view these, but if you are on a laptop or do not have another monitor then add it as a reference image into blender by pressing SHIFT + A and going down to “Image” as shown below.
If you need more help, I would recommend a Blender beginners tutorial here.

But I must say that for a first build, this is very impressive! Keep up the good work!


Side view looks nice. But I can’t make up anything from the front view. Try turning on autosmooth. :slight_smile: good work.

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the first photo has some strange lighting but its overall epic

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