Floormaterial discrepancy between client and server

Trying to establish a mechanism to use the FloorMaterial in a client and server process.
I have a local file test place that shows a problem.
The two scripts print out the material name detected every second.
If I play the test I can see that both client and server say Plastic is the material when I move the player to a grey plate both show Metal is If I move to just inside the SafeBox (like a kiosk) the client shows Neon and server shows Metal and moving further client has Neon and server has Plastic.
It looks to me that the server is sensing too far down.
TestPlace3.rbxl (82.9 KB)
Anyoner help with this?

My mistake.
I was using the Active player humanoid for both.
Using character.humanoid for client sorted the differnce out.