Footstep Sounds delay

  1. What do you want to achieve? A footsteps sound system with no delays, if possible. (This is done on a client script)

  2. What is the issue? There’s a delay when playing the sounds, or the sounds just don’t play at all.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried using soundIds, got the same result. Also tried using the ContentProvider, and no luck.

Everything is done on a localscript/clientscript, the sounds are located in ReplicatedStorage, i tried preloading the sounds, using soundIds, but nothing seemed to fix this issue. I printed some of the sound’s properties and the IsLoaded property always returns true, TimeLength always returns something higher than 0.

This is the Footsteps script, it plays based on certain conditions. Now I did check if the conditions affected caused the delay, but they didnt.

-- First-class functions
local function getPitch() : number
	return math.random(footstepConstants.minSpeed, footstepConstants.maxSpeed)

local function playSound(sound : Sound)
	print(sound.TimeLength, sound.IsLoaded, sound.Playing)
	debris:AddItem(sound, sound.TimeLength)

local function canPlay(sound : Sound, moveDirection : Vector3, tickArray : tickArray) : boolean
	local currentTime = tick()
	local magnitudeDirection = moveDirection.Magnitude
	local canPassCooldown = (currentTime - tickArray.lastTick > footstepConstants.cooldown)
	local condition = (sound and magnitudeDirection > 0 and canPassCooldown)
	tickArray.lastTick = condition and currentTime or tickArray.lastTick
	return condition

local function playFootstep(sound : Sound, soundID : string, parent : BasePart, pitch : number, isPlayable : boolean)
	if (not isPlayable) then

	sound.Parent = parent
	sound.PlaybackSpeed = pitch
	sound.Volume = footstepConstants.generalVolume
	sound.SoundId = soundID

local function getSound(material : Enum.Material) : Sound
	local soundTable = footsteps:GetTableFromMaterial(material)
	return footsteps:GetRandomSound(soundTable)

local function createClass()
	local footstepsClass = {}

	footstepsClass.execute = function(character : utilities.character, functionParameters : {utilities.steppedFunction})
		local humanoid = character.Humanoid
		local rootPart = humanoid.RootPart
		local tickArray = {lastTick = 0} -- wrapped in a table, since items in tables update regardless of scope

		local function stepped()
			local material = humanoid.FloorMaterial
			local moveDirection = humanoid.MoveDirection
			local pitch, sound, soundId = getPitch(), getSound(material)
			local condition = canPlay(sound, moveDirection, tickArray)

			playFootstep(sound, soundId, rootPart, pitch, condition)

		utilities.steppedWrap(functionParameters, stepped, script.Name, function() return not character end, true)

	return footstepsClass

And this is my footsteps module, which returns a sound instance with a randomly picked ID based on the humanoid’s FloorMaterial

-- First-class functions
local sounds = {
	[Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic] = script.Concrete,
	[Enum.Material.Plastic] = script.Concrete,

	[Enum.Material.Granite] = script.Concrete,
	[Enum.Material.Concrete] = script.Concrete,
	[Enum.Material.Slate] = script.Concrete,
	[Enum.Material.Pebble] = script.Concrete,
	[Enum.Material.Rock] = script.Concrete,

	[Enum.Material.Sand] = script.Sand,
	[Enum.Material.Snow] = script.Sand,

	[Enum.Material.Wood] = script.Wood,
	[Enum.Material.WoodPlanks] = script.Wood

local function getRandomSound(materialType : Enum.Material) : Sound
	local soundSource = materialType ~= Enum.Material.Air and sounds[materialType]:GetChildren()
	return soundSource and soundSource[math.random(1, #soundSource)]

return getRandomSound

Do your footstep sounds have a delay at the beginning?
Many of the sounds I’ve seen in the toolbox have a silent bit at the beginning of the sound length. Kind of a pain if you need a ‘click’ sound or something similar to happen immediately.

Nah, the sound plays immediately; here’s one of them

Turns out the pitch was causing this all! I forgot that math.random doesn’t support decimals at all.

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