About Me
Hello, I’m an artist which is looking for comissions to do do.
[details=“Here are some showcases of my work”]
I’m available almost everyday when Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, could be a bit varying if I have a soccer on one of those days. Though if my account is online at 3pm GMT then I am most likely going to be online the whole day not consdering school hours.
My prices are referenced in the showcase part but the prices are R$400 for a logo or $20 for average quality. R$800 for higher quality pieces would it be for a game logo.
Thumbnails cost R$1000 for average quality(The example above there was very rushed and not based off of any actual roblox avatars so the proportions were exact. I was also in my bed while making it so it could’ve effected the piece.) If you want higher quality thumbnails which are based off actual rigs and then drawn you’d have to pay a bit more being R$2000.
I also make visual effects which go for either R$300 or if you wanna pay with USD $10.
You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or through Discord: Kanji#6673
Thanks for reading!