For webhook, how can i add another value in fields?

Hello, I want to add more than 1 value in fields and be under each value. I’ve been looking through the devforum but I couldn’t find anything that matches my issue and I’ve tried other ways of adding another value but I get an error. Here’s my script.

local open = {
							["content"] = "",
							["embeds"] = {{
								["author"] = {name = "Open!", icon_url = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(plr.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)},
								["description"] = "You may now join the server!",
								["color"] = 5832696,
								["fields"] = {
									{name = "Information", value = "Host: **"..plr.Name.."**", inline = true}},
								["footer"] = {text = "Sent by "..plr.Name}

						open = http:JSONEncode(open)
						http:PostAsync(webhook, open)


The red box shows where the next value would be.

All you need to do is copy and paste another table inside of fields.

local open = {
							["content"] = "",
							["embeds"] = {{
								["author"] = {name = "Open!", icon_url = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(plr.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)},
								["description"] = "You may now join the server!",
								["color"] = 5832696,
								["fields"] = {
									{name = "Information", value = "Host: **"..plr.Name.."**", inline = true},
                                    {name = "new_field", value = "value", inline = true}
								["footer"] = {text = "Sent by "..plr.Name}

						open = http:JSONEncode(open)
						http:PostAsync(webhook, open)

I have tried this method but the value goes next to each value, I need it under each value.

You need to set inline to false

Thank you, the value did go under but is it possible to remove the name on the value?

Not that I know of no, but try looking on Discord Webhook Guide for help also if I helped make sure to set a solution to the post so others can find the answer with ease if they have the same dilemma.

EDIT: You should check out Webhook Description I think this is what you are looking for.