I’d like a way for parts to appear locally for any client, no matter what their quality level is set to.
Use-case: I have a big map. Approximately 5,000 studs in radius from the origin. With a low quality level (or StreamingEnabled being on) those players can’t see the far away landmarks like mountains or a giant world tree.
I’ll be swapping the full-detailed landmarks out with a low brick count model when they’re far away, using either local scripts & FilteringEnabled, or no FE but placing them in the local Camera. Either way would work, but both ways currently do not work at all for the conditions mentioned because the models get clipped.
So I’m requesting either of these two ways to fix this problem:
A) If something is placed in a new instance like game.AlwaysRender, keep it rendered.
B) If something is placed in the local Camera, keep it rendered no matter the distance & quality level.
@zeuxcg Knows a lot about this and may be able to provide input.
If there are oversights or I’m misunderstanding something, please reply! I can also provide visuals like:
Notice the green low brick count model in the back, compared to the higher brick count model at the bottom near the player. That’s currently impossible to achieve online in game.
This screenshot was able to be taken in studio because it works slightly differently in that it has the whole map in memory, and doesn’t clip the far stuff away.