Fruit's | Informational Forum

About Introduction

This post is about an informational update for Fruit’s, we will be covering the version 1 information for staff workers.

Everything written here is about Fruit’s Version 1 & Sessions information and main updates page.

Staff Points & Counters

We will have staff points in the Juice Bar, you will get one staff point each minute you are serving customers and are logged into the counter.

Our system is currently in version 1 and has errors, if you find an error, report it to the Development Team+ or forward it to the Chairman.

Staff Lounge Access

We have a staff lounge under the juice bar which only staff may enter, you can enter it by going down the stairs.

But only staff may enter it, if we catch you teleporting customers or classic guests you will face consequences.

Administrator & Moderator Tags

We will have Administrators & Moderators picked from our communication server, if you are in the Administrative Department of Fruit’s you will receive the Administrator tag and if you are in the Moderation Department you will recieve the Moderator tag.

Our Development Department is the only department that is allowed to remove you the tag if any abusement occurs.

BETA Testing Release

We will have some perks if you purchase BETA access and if you complete a questioner but those won’t be released for Version 1, thrt will only be for Version 2.

The Management will be picking some of you to test out Version 2 but if you try and hint, you won’t be picked.

That’s all for this Informational Forum
For more information, tune in for our Twitter;

Many Cheers
Fruit’s Guideline Administrator

All rights reserved, Fruit’s 2019.

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