Fruit's | Strike System [IN-GAME]

About Introduction

This post will inform you about the in-game strike system also known as the warning system for all players, this will also go over session strikes.

We suggest you read the informational forum that we created so you are informed about other things; Fruit's | Informational Forum

Juice Bar Customer Strikes

Customers receive these warnings for each action they make, please do not give them extra chances/ help when they have unmature behaviour.

Trolling | Two verbal warnings then removal from the server

Spamming | One verbal warning then removal from the server

Capital Abuse | Two verbal warnings then removal from the server

Disrespect towards staff | One verbal warning then removal from the server

Game Exploiting | Zero warnings, please straightly screenshot/record it then contact a Medium Rank+

That’s all of the warning strikes for customers for now, any other offences may be added here in the future.

Juice Bar Staff Strikes

Fruit’s Staff receive these warnings for each action they make, please do not give them extra chances/ help when they have unmature behaviour, only Super Ranks+ may give these warnings.

Trolling | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then a suspension

Spamming | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then a suspension

Capital Abuse | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then a suspension

Disrespect towards staff | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then a suspension

Disrespect towards customers | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then a demotion

Game Exploiting | Zero warnings, they straightly get fired on the spot if caught by a Super Rank+

Spamming the HandTO System | One verbal warning from a Super Rank+ then they get demoted to Trainee

[MRs+ ONLY] Abuse of Moderational Commands | Zero verbal warnings, you get straightly demoted to Trainee

That’s all of the warning strikes for staff for now, any other offences may be added here in the future.

Session Strike System [BOTH STAFF & CUSTOMERS]

At sessions both customers and staff receive these warnings, they all equal a server ban meaning they will be only banned from that session and can rejoin at a different session.

Fake Interviews/Trainings - Interviewing/Training each other for joking | Automatic removal from session

Answer Copying - Giving each other interview answers | Automatic removal from session

Fake Announcing - Announcing things saying the session is cancelled when it’s not | Automatic removal from session

Talking in Rules - Whilst the rules are listed you distract other members | Automatic removal from session

That’s all of the warning strikes for sessions for now, any other offences may be added here in the future.

That’s all for this Informational Forum
For more information, tune in for our Twitter;

Many Cheers
Fruit’s Guideline Administrator

All rights reserved, Fruit’s 2019.

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