Function flat out doesn't work

Hi! So I have a nametag that I want cloned on the script. For some reason, this function does not work at all:

local bill = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("NameTag")

		if player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("NameTag") == nil then
			local clone = bill:Clone()
			clone.Enabled = true
			clone.Parent = player.Head
			clone.PlayerName.Text = player.Name
			clone.Title.Text = "Guest"

This function just doesn’t work for some reason and there are no errors in the output. To work around this, I added a wait function and did the same thing:

	if plr.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("NameTag") == nil then
		local new = nametag:Clone()
		new.Parent = plr.Character.Head
		new.Adornee = plr.Character.Head
		local humanoid = plr.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass('Humanoid')
		humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None"
		local uppertext = new.PlayerName
		local lowertext = new.Title
		uppertext.Text = plr.DisplayName
		lowertext.Text = "Guest"

But now I’ve run into in issue where I need the characteradded function to work because if the player resets, the nametag won’t be there. How can I get the characteradded function to work or make it so when the player resets or dies, the nametag is cloned again (another workaround)?

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Are there errors? Have you tried adding prints to check if CharacterAdded is called and the value of player.Character.Head:FindFirstChild("NameTag")

Just do

if not character.Head:FindFirstChild("NameTag") then

or remove it since when the character gets added, that will only run once, and doesn’t make sense why to have that there.

To try and debug it, i got rid of the if statement and added a print() with this code:

		local head = char.Head
		local newtext = nametag:Clone() --Cloning the text.
		local uppertext = newtext.PlayerName
		local lowertext = newtext.Title
		local humanoid = char.Humanoid

		humanoid.DisplayDistanceType = "None"

		--Main Text
		newtext.Parent = head
		newtext.Adornee = head
		uppertext.Text = plr.DisplayName --Changes the text to the player's name.

		--"If" Statements
		--You can add as many of these as you wish, just change it to the player's name.

The print statement triggers when I join and reset, but nothing happens to the nametag. I don’t know how to fix it.

Look at the post I just made. It tried it and got no luck.

Add a task.wait(1 or what ever number) before if player.Character blah blah blah

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I have had this issue for the past week and you fixed it! Thank you so much! I didn’t know something as simple as a wait statement was all I needed. Thanks again!

I’ve had this issue too, it’s because when the player’s character is added it isn’t fully loaded, so when it fully loads it deletes the tag

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Bruh, there’s a character parameter they give you in the player.CharacterAdded function --__–

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What do you mean???

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it’s literally the most basic thing. Look up a tutorial on YouTube for player added functions then.

yes, it does return a character parameter but that doesn’t help with the current situation, you still need that wait or it doesn’t work


player.Character doesn’t work at all when you do this…

They are correct, the ‘CharacterAdded’ event/signal fires whenever the character model is added, not when it has loaded, to correctly wait for a character’s appearance to load listen for the ‘CharacterAppearanceLoaded’ event/signal to fire.

local Game = game
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")

local function OnPlayerAdded(Player)
	local function OnCharacterAdded(Character)
		if not Player:HasAppearanceLoaded() then Player.CharacterAppearanceLoaded:Wait() end
		local Head = Character:FindFirstChild("Head") or Character:WaitForChild("Head")
		local BillboardGui ="BillboardGui")
		BillboardGui.Adornee = Head
		BillboardGui.Parent = Head


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