Game failing to save, server save/publishing internal server error

Thank you!

The error seems to be fixed now, I could enable team create and save progress again :slight_smile:



Now this is happening. :confused:


I get this error almost every day when waking up my PC from sleep mode and have to try re-opening that place.

It might not be related to this thread’s bug, try re-opening studio?


This pops up everytime I open a new baseplate and only started happening recently; assuming this error is related to the fail to publish bug. Here’s the log file: log_D9A61_1.txt (20.2 KB)

I have, twice. No success. :confused:

I’m not sure if it’s related, but the place is a Team Create place.


I’ve been having the same issues as this whole thread but I figured out that if you publish to a new place it doesn’t occur there so just republish to a new place (I only tried it with myself so it may or may not fix it) and secondly i’m still having the publish problem occur.

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I know this might not be related to the thread I made even though this makes it fail to save again, yesterday it was working all fine until earlier today at about 16:01 GMT+1 16/03/2020.
What I am getting now is this error, Server Save Failure: Http transport error (5): HttpError: Timedout, after this error the game loses connection, or while working on the game Studio randomly disconnects from Team Create not saving any of the progress.

I tried again a bit later from the last time but it gave me the same error, so I decided to wait a while maybe it was a temporary error and tried again an hour or so later at about 17:46 16/03/2020 and I got the same error again.

I tried in another game and I am not getting that error, only in the one I included on the thread.




Even after 3 hours later the error still seems to be appearing, and I keep losing connection from studio with none of the changes made saving.


Here’s the logs file:

log_55B49_1.txt (20.6 KB)


Thats also happening to me, i can’t seem to fix it.

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Im having the Timedout error, this could be too much people using the internet at the same time as the lockdowns between jobs and others are coming too quickly.

After it destroys my connection and progress, is that a bug or a time error, too much studio errors, I hope ROBLOX does not face any brutal studio errors for a long time as its really causing frustrating delays.

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I’ve not been able to publish changes to the game today all day, tried once at 16:00 GMT+1 didn’t work then I tried again at 19:30 GMT+1 again same error saying Publish failed and again now but its the same error.


It worked fine yesterday but today it seems to be having problems again.

I used an auto recovery file, however the server took slow and it saved, I suggest you use auto recovery servers and try pressing ‘Publish To ROBLOX to’ to the place you work from, I know its a hard way and a slow way.

It now works for me, did it work for you now?

I can’t get it to work. I get this error:

Get symbolic links failed with error: Authorization has been denied for this request.

Yes, it is still happening.

I am trying to publish from a local file but I keep getting this message



Really intense error, probably its occurring to heavy maps, I usually use baseplates to do heavy development because my game holds a heavy map and I prefer to use them just in case an error persists again or if a new error statement approaches, I hope an engineering team contacts you anytime soon.


Hey there, publishing time outs on larger sized games/maps happen quite often unfortunately, about a month or two back I started experiencing the same!
I’m not aware of any solutions to the time out but there are a few workarounds!

Here’s what worked for me:
1.Connecting my PC to my Mobile Hotspot in order to publish! (As the phones 4G LTE was faster than my Internets upload speeds.

2.Upgrading my Internets Upload speed by purchasing a higher tier with my ISP :frowning:

So far these were the only things that allowed me to publish when encountering this issue.

Also once you encounter this issue i’d advise not to have the place as a team create as more issues with actually opening the place can occur.


I have been working on the game with Team Create disabled due to it failing to save or randomly disconnecting me from Studio resulting in lost work. So now every time it fails to publish I just save to a local file and try again later.

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Issue is though, when I try to publish from a local file to a TC enabled place, it doesn’t actually publish. It just opens the Team Create and doesn’t overwrite the TC with my local file.


You can help us start by adhering to How to post a Bug Report and providing the necessary information for us to investigate :slight_smile:

We have already resolved some of the Team Create issues that have occurred, but due to the continued strain on our services, there are multiple problem sources. It is extremely critical that everyone experiencing problems follows the bug reporting guidelines & provides logs, or we may miss new problems.


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