Game loses almost 50% of players when they join

My game Sword Mayem appears to lose almost half our players quickly when they join. This is before they even enter the match itself. I’m wondering if anyone can find a bug or any issue with the loading screen or start screen that may be causing people to leave instantly.


The choices were:

  1. Join Team (only one showing)
  2. Spectate

When I clicked on the one available team it let me play.

Why not just add players to the team with the lowest number of players?

If it is a closed match then automatically spectate from above the game board with a next match begins in …


Most players want to jump into action when they join, adding round/based game is bad aproach, instead you should consider allowing respawn after let’s say 10 seconds


You can enter the match whenever after selecting a team. But if you got that impression, then it probably means players were getting confused by the team select screen. I’ll do what oof said and just make it auto-team you upon joining.

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You can simply make pop-up select team, name them red and blue or smth like that which is simple and understandable by everyone

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