Game plan for my passion game based of pixel gun:
Before we start let me explain why I actually like pixelgun. Pixelgun has unqiue guns. Each gun has different effects and are special, for examples some guns richoet off walls using lazers, others include bouncing bullets. Not just generic guns which travel in linear paths. Second clan system’s are so fun I love battling with my clan’s so I gain rewards while my clan does to, making me gain new friends ect.
Pixelgun has a varitey of mode, while most shooters only have modes such as ctf, deathmatch,.
Pixelgun also has weaponccrafting which is a good system, since it allows you to craft amazing guns, having a challange and not just getting it from buying it.
Modes we will have include Clan siege, Deathmatch, CTF, battle royale, and survival.
Our clan system will be very advanced including a ranking system, chat system, and clan battle system.
Some other features which we will have which isn’t based of pixel gun is desturctable maps. Everything in the map will be destructable creating a fun dynamic enviorment to play it.
Btw I can program all of this, I got better at programming a lot. From when I got in this forum at first.
Now lets talk about what I hate in pixelgun and why I want to make something like it.
To many microtransatioctions;
Not many players in a lot of modes (although not developers fault);
By the way I am not trolling this is a serious post explaining my game plan for my passion game.
(Post in progress will be modifed and changed a lot, the time when the post is done is when you don’t see this message)