Game Settings Window breaking Roblox Studio

Greetings, I’ve been having this bug for a while. Simply, when I open the game settings window in the studio and change something it doesn’t let me save it, either close the window or studio so I have to restart my computer every time to close the studio when it happens:

Does anyone know how to fix this?

Note: this probably must be in studio bugs category, however, it doesn’t let me choose that category, sorry.
Note2: The bug doesn’t happen all the time, however, it happens very often and is really annoying…

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I Used To Get The Same Bug, I Reinstalled Studio Couple Of Times Until Fixed And It Worked.

Try Reinstalling


I’ve that that exact error as well. I just went to task manager and ended the program to make it stop. But all my work got deleted. :frowning:

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There is already a topic about this. Please search for these topics before making another one please!

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Nope, Roblox hasn’t fixed it yet.

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Unfortunately your topic does not meet the guidelines for the #help-and-feedback:game-design-support section of the forum. Please send a message to the @DevEngagementTeam group so we can follow up :slight_smile:.