Gamma Industries - Regulations Handbook

Visitorial Regulations
‣Visitors are not permitted to disrespect any official class of Gamma Industries.
‣Visitors are instructed to follow orders given by any security, executive, or task force member.
‣Visitors are forbidden to troll, exploit, and glitch.
‣Visitors are not allowed to manage the core in any way unless directed by an executive.

Security Regulations
‣Security is not allowed to disrespect anyone.
‣Security is not allowed to troll, glitch, or exploit.
‣Security cannot manage the core unless told to by an executive.
‣Security is not allowed to abuse their weapons.
‣Security is not allowed to abuse their power in giving orders.
‣Security must follow orders given to them by any task force member/executive/instructor.

Task Force Regulations
‣Task Force members must follow orders given by any executive/instructor.
‣Task Force members are not allowed to abuse their weapons.
‣Task Force members are not allowed to abuse their power in giving orders.
‣Task force members are forbidden to glitch, exploit, or troll.

‣Minor offense: Grants warning.
‣Moderate offense: Grants temporary ban
‣Major offense: Grants permanent ban (appeal available)
‣Superior offense: Grants permanent ban (appeal not available)

Depending on which offense you commit, your offense will be ranked from minor to major depending on how unlawful it is. When your punishment has been ranked you will be sent a message via Roblox or discord and you will receive the punishment with it.