General & Staff Rules | Ryanair (13/08/2018)

Dear reader,

These are the rules everyone must follow when in our games, or on our group. Not doing so could cause serious consequences. If you see someone breaking these rules, report it to a High Rank as soon as possible so they can be dealt with.

Roblox Community Guidelines

While on ROBLOX you are expected to follow the official Community Guidelines set by ROBLOX. These can be found here:

General Rules
  1. No advertising. We know you want to post that advert on free ROBUX giveaways, or a Discord server you think people might want to join, but don’t post it, you can be removed from any future flights before anyone even gets a chance to read the advertisement.

  2. English is the only language allowed on our flights, please don’t speak other languages.

  3. Respect everyone around you.

  4. Be friendly and nice to others.

  5. “Trolling” or annoying others is not allowed at any time while on our flights, it can cause you to be banned at future flights.

  6. There will be no refunds given to anyone under any circumstances.

  7. Cheating or exploiting is banned and is forbidden, it will cause you to be banned immediately.

  8. Impersonating staff is not allowed.

Staff Rules
  1. Listen to all staff and take into account their opinions.

  2. Do as High Ranks tell you to do.

  3. Admin Abuse is not allowed and WILL cause your position to be removed.

  4. Do not use the M command unnecessarily, M is to be used for important announcements (eg. boarding certain classes, lounges open) and H is to be used for important staff announcements that guests are allowed to see. Use the PM command if you have any announcements just for a single guest or staff messages/questions.

  5. Try not to bother the Host of the flight.

  6. TP’ing to/bringing someone is prohibited without watching them to check they’re not in a vehicle/plane first.

  7. You may not give Flex Plus to anyone for free unless they own the Flex Plus T-Shirt or you’ve gotten an Executive’s discretion

  8. Asking or hinting for promoting is not allowed, it will cause us to consider you for a promotion less.

Ryanair Executive Team.


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