Generate structures in chunk based generation system

I’m working on a procedural generation script, the code for the generation looks something like this:

-- generate terrain --
	for x = 1, X do
		heightMap[x] = {} -- new row
		temperatureMap[x] = {} -- new row
		for z = 1, Z do
			heightMap[x][z] = math.noise(SEED, x/TERRAIN_SMOOTHNESS, z/TERRAIN_SMOOTHNESS) / 1.1 + 0.5
			temperatureMap[x][z] = math.noise(SEED, x/TEMPERATURE_SMOOTHNESS, z/TEMPERATURE_SMOOTHNESS) / 2 + 0.5

	-- render terrrain --
	local count = 0

	for x = 1, X do
		for z = 1, Z do
			createChunk(, heightMap[x][z], z), heightMap[x][z], temperatureMap[x][z])
			if X >= 300 or Z >= 300 then
				count += 1
				if count == 75 then
					count = 0

And the result looks like this:

(Chunks are pre made, they are just spawned in the correct position in the correct biome)

Now I want to add in structures like a village or a jungle temple. The problem is I have no idea how would I do it. I guess how it would go is after terrain generated it would pick a spot then check what biome it is and place the structure depending on the biome on the 4 chunks. So the structure like a jungle temple would be 2x2 in size so the 4 chunks under it would be destroyed and the structure would spawn in, or the village would be a 3x4.