GetCharacterAppearanceAsync not working

Hello! So I’m trying to make a Morph Script where you can morph into any player, not only the players in your server. I’n using GetCharacterAppearanceAsync for it, but for some reason it’s not working.
My character just disappears, so I guess it does work but there is a weird issue.

The character’s (the one I’m trying to morph into) accessories are just laying on the floor for some reason
My script:

local function charPlayerToTarget(playerToChange, TargetName)
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
	local TargetUserId = players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(TargetName)
	local TargetCharacter = players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(TargetUserId)
	TargetCharacter.Parent = workspace
	playerToChange.Character = TargetCharacter
	if errormessage then

I don’t think the full script is necessary.

Does CharacterAppearance mean, it’s only the Accesories?

And not the whole character, like I wanted it to.

Found the solution. You have to set the player’s CharacterAppearanceId to the UserId of the one you want to morph him into.