Hi! I want to get my module (it returns a table, if that helps) into my place so I can make changes to it without having to copy and paste it each time, the main issue I’m running into is that
can only run on the server. I tried to make a function to parent it so the client can use it too, but I was apparently my function didn’t exist?
Right now I’m stuck, I don’t know what to do, any answers are appreciated
EDIT: so for anyone whos stumbling on this to find a solution, I found out you can use InsertService:LoadAsset(id). Am I dumb? yes.
2nd edit: you cant use InsertService for modules. bruhhhhh
can only be used on the server. I’m trying to do it on the client. I mean, the original problem is that I want to be able to just publish the module and get it from anywhere. It’s for balancing guns / armor.