So i was wondering, how could i achieve the graphics from a game called KARLSON by Dani YouTuber… Anyone got ideas? Any help appreciated.
Images and videos will help. I don’t know what karson is.
Im trying to achieve this graphics.
windows made of the barrier material, lighting tech future or shadowmap, other materials plastic with tiling textures and low-poly models. Not much else you can do to replicate it as it uses an entirely different shading engine.
I mean its kinda the most simple you can get graphics-wise, not exactly sure why you’re needing help with this.
Im currently making a game. Actually got it very similiar to that. But still seems a bit off to me.
(My game):
The shadows looks very soft, make sure Lighting.LightingStyle
is Realistic
and Lighting.PrioritizeLightingQuality
is enable to get the highest-quality possible shadows.